Beginners SEO Podcast
Welcome to the Beginners SEO Podcast. Perfect for all small business owners and solo marketing teams.
In each episode we're going to touch on a different aspect of search engine optimization, mainly focusing on easy SEO tips for beginners that YOU can use on your business website to grow your organic traffic.
Want to get started with your SEO now? Head to www.theplansuccess.com for free SEO tools and resources for beginners!
Podcasting since 2022 • 84 episodes
Beginners SEO Podcast
Latest Episodes
What Do You Next When Your SEO Is 'Done'?
So you've done your keyword research, optimised your website, got some decent blog posts up.....now what? How do you actually keep improving in keyword rankings and keep growing your organic traffic generate more and more business. ...
Season 6
Episode 88

Quick SEO Tips: Broken Links!
Learn how to check for broken links without any of the fancy SEO toosl! https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/
Season 6
Episode 87

Quick SEO Tips: Cutting Dead Pages From Your Site To Increase Traffic
In this mini Quick SEO Tips episode, I'll go into the importance of removing dead pages from your website. Learn how pruning outdated content can boost your SEO, improve site performance, and drive traffic!
Season 6
Episode 86

What Are Good Keywords?
Let's break down the SEO basics of how to choose strong keywords for your small business site when you're doing keyword research - learning about search intent, search volume and are the fancy tools worth it!
Season 6
Episode 85

How Do You Know If Your SEO Is Working?
Let's find out exactly how to know if your SEO is working! I'll explain it in a beginner-friendly format how you can figure out if your SEO efforts are paying off! I'll also be discussing (again beginner SEO friendly) how long SEO ...
Season 6
Episode 84